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Wellness Lifestyle

Wellness, Lifestyle, Simple Living, Minimalist Lifestyle, Hold Your Moment, Live the Little Things.

Beginner’s Guide to Self-Care 2020

Self-Care is one of my favorite topics to venture upon. Self-care is one of the most essential activities to engage because it helps contribute to positivity and a prosper mental health. Self-care is a broad concept that generally invites, establishes and maintains compassion over our physical, emotional and mental health.

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Wellness Lifestyle

8 Ways to Self Care

Self Care. A mindfulness choice to actively participate in self-care activities to help establish and maintain a wellness lifestyle. 

Let’s break down what it means.

Wellness Lifestyle

Mindfulness Exercises

In this chaotic world that we live in, we find ourselves underserving our time and energy. We can navigate this thing called life mindlessly and on auto pilot. We may tend to forget the importance of living in the present because we may find it burdensome or we don’t know how.

Wellness Lifestyle

How to Practice Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is one of my favorite practices to incorporate into my life daily. I enjoy setting time apart and relish on taking this time for myself to nurture and energize my soul. It is a form of self-care, which in return helps calm my anxieties while nourishing my presence.  
