Wellness Lifestyle

Mindfulness Exercises


In this chaotic world that we live in, we find ourselves underserving our time and energy. We can navigate this thing called life mindlessly and on auto pilot. We may tend to forget the importance of living in the present because we may find it burdensome or we don’t know how.

Let’s ask ourselves:

Am I thinking about the next thing I have to do while I am still doing the task at hand?

Or, Do you feel like you are always on the go?

Then, maybe we need to reflect on our intentions and redefined living purposely.

In today’s modern society, mindfulness has become a wellness trend. And I very much welcomed it. There are countless scientific research studies showing that mindfulness helps in stimulating our self-regulation. It is the forefront of our mental and physical health.

What is mindfulness ?

Mindfulness involves the process of living in the present moment, aware of our experience, emotions and thoughts process without judgement or criticism.

The practice of mindfulness begins by recognizing any body tension, acknowledge any feelings that may surface and recognize any distractions and redirect them. This begins to cultivate our awareness, which in return, can help regulate our attention needs to the present stimuli, our thinking abilities increase, and it strengthens our emotional well-being. It all leads to change in perception, more mind flexibility, motivation and movement.  

How do we practice it?

A mindfulness lifestyle takes time to incorporate into our life. Our mind/body is pre-programed and on autopilot from our previous predictable patterns that have worked for our whole life. It takes time to break down an old unwanted pattern. It is important to practice patience in this process as well. While also acknowledging any feelings of frustration or defeat during the moment. It is about the process of implementing mindfulness where true growth happens.

Lets begin by:

Setting realistic mindfulness goals. Let’s aim to start small.

Wake up in the morning and check in with yourself.

How do you feel?

  • Any body sensation.
  • Whats your body temperature. Maybe you don’t feel anything at all.
  • Begin a journal to help understand the moment.

Break down each movement.

  • Out loud describe what you are doing in that moment. In that moment, the only important thing that matters is what is happening right in front of you.
  • Begin a morning meditation. Set aside 5 minutes and use a guiding meditation to help you begin to learn conscious breathing because it helps us to slow down, be present and navigate our thought process. I wrote a blogpost about Meditation. I give suggestions to help you start the process.
  • What is one thing you are Grateful for? I created a blog post about ways to increase gratitude.
  • Set a daily intention.
    • What do you want your day to look like.
    • What is a self-goal for the day.
    • How can you maximize a positive experience.
    • What do you chose to pay attention to? What can you let go of?

Once we can release our assumptions about mindfulness and are ready to let go of some behaviors. Mindfulness can bring out the best of our abilities. We are able to appreciate our environment and actively live in the present moment.

I would love to hear how you practice Mindfulness. 


Melissa Medina
